Saturday 17 December 2011

Homelessness in Saskatoon

I'm writing about homelessness in Saskatoon and how it is a big problem. 
In May 2008 was the last time that the government counted how many homeless people there actually were in Saskatoon.  They counted 260 people- 228 adults, 32 children.  Most were homeless for less than 1 year. Saskatoon's record for someone being homeless is 16 years!!  The shortest time was 1.5 days.

  Some of them were housed but many of them were not and weren't even on a waiting list. But almost all of them pleaded for help.  Exactly 199 out of the 260 people were housed by service providers.  Quoted- "Out of the many that we talked to almost ALL of them said they were NOT getting help from housing, health, or Justice Service Providers.  70% of the homeless that stay in shelters are now employed but the rest are not. Equal proportions of respondents were Caucasian.  The population of homeless people has increased majorly in recent years.
                                 11 Ways To Help/Prevent Homelessness In Saskatoon

1. Donate to charity- but sometimes it is hard if you don't make much yourself.
2. Donate labor at homeless charities or shelters.
3. Help them fill out applications/resumes for jobs.
4. Donate childcare ( Volunteer your child to help them in shelters)
5. Help them find services or service providers.
6. Teach them how to read and write.
7. Share your knowledge with them.
8. Donate used items.
9. Donate free things to shelters.
10. Donate your spare time to help them.

   My point is that there is to much of this going on with no one recognizing it.  I hope that those people with a heart take these 11 things we can do to help and try to do them and who knows maybe we will change at least one life. Even if you physically don't want to do anything to help, you can mentally by just respecting them or smiling at them when there on the street. Everyone needs someone to realize that they are there and that they matter.



  1. Kylie,

    Thanks again for informing me about this problem. We all need to do more to help people realize the scope of this problem in Saskatoon. More of your writing will help.

    What should we do as a class? Is there something we should do together? What things from your list are you going to do?


  2. Mr. Comfort,
    Yes we do need to realize the problem. I am thinking of things that we could do as a class or things that will intrigue others to help. I will try to do as many as possible on that list but it sometimes is a bit difficult.

  3. You picked a really good topic Kylie alot of people can learn about saskatoon from your blog!
