Wednesday 30 May 2012

Interview about Poverty in Pakistan

I sent home a sheet of 6 questions to Iman's dad ( sorry I do not know the name). He is a man who has lived in Pakistan for most of his life and obviously knows a lot about it so I thought it would be kind of neat to see what his perspective of poverty in Pakistan is like. Below is the questions I asked him in yellow and the answers he gave in blue. I'm going to write his answers exactly like he did.

1. Did you live below the poverty line ever in your life?

   Not me ever but one of my friend did.   

2. Were you educated as a kid and were most of the people you knew educated?

 yes one of my friend lived in a situation, where it was hard for him and his family to make their ends meet. It was very painful situation for me as I was young too but group of friends collected the exam fees couple of time.

3. Did you ever have any health concerns for you or your family, if so what were they and why? 

Since I've never ever lived below the poverty line, I did not have any health concerns for myself as well as for my family.

4. What do you think the major cause of poverty in Pakistan is?

Corruption is one of the major cause, social injustice. Lack of education, improper use of available resources, unfair distribution of wealth.  

5. Do you think poverty is a big problem, and do you think the government doesn't notice or is it that they just don't do anything about it?

Of course poverty is a big problem no matter where ever you live in the world. People should struggle hard especially to get them educated and get awareness about their basic rights.... Government should take actions to against corruptions and should make sure that peoples basic needs are being fulfilled.  

6. If you could would you change anything about your country and what would it be?

I would love to, by making sure that whoever needs to go to school get them educated. Make more people knowledgeable about their rights. I will motivate uneducated families and give them the benefit of education so that they can enjoy their share of happy prosperous life.

Many of these questions are more about himself then actual poverty in Pakistan but you can see that he thinks that it is a problem, and in the last question about what he would do to change it I think it is inspiring. Maybe he can not make that happen but there is some people in charge who can so why don't they???
I'm not sure why they don't but I think that every one should re consider the laws and the rights and make them fair so that every one has a chance to live a happy life :)

PS. I will possibly if I have time before school is over give even more detailed questions to a different person from Pakistan this time I'm going to give it to a woman to see her perspective on things. I would of given them to him but i already bothered him enough and he is a busy man. Also sorry about the yellow but black wouldn't show on black background!